I have received many emails regarding the accident. Here it is-
We are all ok. Emily shizibolli and Manoah Siema have been my close friends every day. The
accident happened on our way back from the World Aids Celebration Day.
We think while we were attending the driver snuck off and had a little
drink. He was fine on the way to the event but coming back he would
slow down and then go fast. It was very strange. We came around a
corner he lost control and hit the bank head on. He was going way too
fast. Emily cut her head, my legs were beat up but Manoah got the brunt
of it all. He cracked 3 or 4 of his teeth in front and cut open his
mouth, after the accident emily pulled me out of the car. my legs were
smashed and manoa slowly got out by himself, the driver was very
ignorant and insincere. He kept telling us to get back in the car- " everything is ok.
get in. get in." emily was yelling at him. " no your car does not
work- you will never drive us " manoah just kept spitting blood and my
legs were really hurting after the impact. After 30 min we finally found someone to
come get us and take us to the hospital. It was amazing to see people drive by as we all lay there on the side of the road. Manoah and I had x-rays. He
had several stitches inside the mouth, my muscles were just badly bruised with minor open wounds and emily had her head bandaged. It was a very interesting
perspective there at the hospital. If I had not known doctor O' Ketch
and Onyango, we would have waited for hours. Thank goodness I had
those connections and once they found out they rushed us in for
treatment. The health care here is a joke. I had to beg one of the doctors to look at my x- rays. Very interesting and so humbling
We reported to the police yesterday, which consisted of them getting our info and getting a hold of the driver telling him to contact us and figure it out. Everyone else has been taking care of
us. Rev. Marandu at the Catholic Center where I am staying brought me ice last night. Janet , my Africa mother brought me breakfast
this morning. what a great team here. emily has had some
migraines and minor head pain. Nothing a little percocet cant fix :)
It was a crazy day. I was grateful that we were all ok. I was also grateful for the unique insight. It's hard to really know Africa until you are treated as such. Be so grateful to America and the systems provided. Yes there are flaws but nothing compares to what it is like here. Be so grateful!!
All is well. Pray for Manoah though he got out of the hospital monday night and then at 6 am tuesday morning rushed to the hospital again for his wife who just had their fourth child. A little girl. Gorgeous!